With Word’s checkboxes, you can make documents, forms, and templates that can be filled out and changed. They can also be combined with other form controls, such as text boxes, drop-down lists, and buttons, to make more complicated forms and surveys.
We often use checkboxes when we need to make application forms, tick boxes, or to-do lists in a Word document on Mac or Windows. You can either click on the boxes or put things in them. You can add checkboxes with Microsoft Office or WPS Office Writer.
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What are Checkboxes?
Check boxes can make text easier to read and make it easier to choose between the options given in Microsoft Word. When making surveys or forms with Microsoft Word, check boxes can make the questions easier to read and fill out.
Types of Checkboxes
Checkboxes come in two main types. The first is an interactive checkbox, which lets a user check the box while still in the Word document on their computers. The other is a non-interactive checkbox, which you would use to print something for people to fill out. This article will show you how to add a checkbox to either a Mac or a Windows Word document.
How You Can Insert Checkboxes in Word Docs?
Checkboxes are small boxes that you can add to a document in Microsoft Word to make a list of things to do or a checklist. On forms, surveys, and other types of documents, they are often used to show whether or not a task has been done. When you click on a checkbox, it will show a checkmark or an X to show how it is set. To add a check box in Microsoft Word, you can do any of the following:
1. How to Add Checkboxes to a Word Document on Windows?
To add check boxes to a Word document on Windows, you’ll need to use the tools in the Developer tab. This tab isn’t shown by default. To show the Developer tab, right-click anywhere on the ribbon and click Customize the Ribbon in the menu that comes up. When the Options window comes up, check the box next to Developer and click OK.
Now, make a list of the things you want to check off. When you’re done typing, move the cursor to where the first item starts. Then, click Check Box Content Control in the Controls group of the Developer tab. Next to the thing, the box will appear. Copy the box next to each item and paste it elsewhere. If you click on a box with your mouse, you can check or uncheck it.
2. How to Add Checkboxes to a Word Document on Mac?
To add check boxes, just like in Windows, you’ll need to show the Developer tab. Choose Preferences from the Word menu to see the Developer tab. When the Word Preferences window comes up, click Ribbon & Toolbar. Next, check the box next to Developer in the Customize the Ribbon group and click OK.
Now that the Developer tab is showing, you can type the list to which you want to add check boxes. Next, move the cursor to the start of the first line’s item. Then, choose Check Box from the Developer tab.
Next to the thing, the box will appear. Click the box and then click Options on the Developer tab to check or uncheck it. Choose “Checked” under “default value” in the pop-up window to check it, and “Not Checked” to uncheck it. Pick OK. That’s where the process ends.
3. For Printed Documents Change the Bullet Points to Add Check Boxes
If you want to print a document with only check boxes, like a list of things to do or a survey, you don’t have to add Ribbon tabs and use forms. Instead, you can make a simple bullet list and then change the bullets from their default symbol to check boxes. On the “Home” tab of your Word document, click the small arrow to the right of the “Bullet List” button.
Choose the “Define new bullet” option from the drop-down menu. In the “Define New Bullet” window, click the “Symbol” button. Click the drop-down menu next to “Font” in the “Symbol” window and choose “Wingdings 2.” The font should be “Wingdings 2.”
You can scroll through the symbols to find the empty square symbol that looks like a check box, or you can just type “163” into the “Character Code” box to automatically select it. You can, of course, choose a different symbol, like the open circle (symbol 153) instead, if you like it better. Once you’ve picked your symbol, click “OK” to close the “Symbol” window and “OK” again to close the “Define New Bullet” window.
Scroll down until you see the empty box character, or type “163” into the “Character Code” box. Press “OK” after that. Your bulleted list can now be typed into your Word document. Instead of a bullet, there are check boxes.
Adding new bullets or check boxes is the same thing. And if you need the check box symbol again, you won’t have to go through all of those windows. Just click the small arrow to the right of the “Bullet List” button again, and you’ll see the checkbox under “Recently Used Bullets.”
Since the “Bullet List” check boxes are not interactive, you should only use them on documents that will be printed. Again, this method works best when you want to print a document. The check box symbols in a Word document are not interactive, so you can’t mark them off.
How to Change the Way Checkboxes Look?
We can change the Check box size, the Default value, and other things in the Check Box Form Field Options dialogue box.
1. Choose Exactly to change how big the Check box is.
2. In the Default value box, choose “Not checked” or “Checked.”
How Do I Delete the Checkboxes in a Word Document?
If we don’t need the checkboxes, we can get rid of them by putting the mouse cursor in front of the text and pressing Backspace.
Microsoft Word can be used for many things, from writing the next great novel to making a simple list of things to buy at the store. A personal survey or work checklist is easy to make with check boxes. When making surveys or forms with Microsoft Word, check boxes can make the questions easier to read and fill out.
There are two ways to add check boxes to an MS Word file: The first method is good for making digital forms in Word documents. The second method is better for making printed materials, like to-do lists. When you make surveys or forms in Microsoft Word, check boxes make the questions easier to read and answer.
Adding boxes to a Microsoft Word document, whether they are text boxes or pretty boxes, can help it look better. You can do more with Word than just make boxes. After the boxes are in place, you can add color, borders, and shadows to your documents.
If you’ve had trouble making boxes in older versions of Word, you should know that it’s very easy to do so in Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007. With Electronic Checkbox Insertion, a user can put a check mark in a box by clicking the mouse in the box.